Collection of DVB-t Scripts

I currently use a Hauppauge Nova-T card under linux and have written a couple of scripts and c programs to assist with recording programmes.
Timedrun is a simple program to control the length of time a called program is run. After a specified length of time timedrun will send a kill signal to the running program (or alternatively detach and leave the program running in the background) I use this software to call dvbstream for a specified length of time. You can download it from timedrun-1.0.3
This is a script I use to control the dvb-t card. In association with timedrun it has the ability to stream data from the dvb-t card for a specified length of time making timed recordings of programs simple. Have a look at the time of "dvbcontrol" for more information. The latest version can be downloaded dvbcontrol-0.5
This page was thrown up just so I didn't have a single directory listing! If you have comments or questions about this code please contact me: nova-t at intrepid dot cx
Here is a brief outline of the things you need to watch tv and use these scripts:

DVB hardware drivers
I'm using the default CVS branch at the moment mainly as I don't know much about the NEWSTRUCT version and what the differences are. I recommend you use which ever is must up to date. How you can tell this, I do not know. I don't really know which should be used!

Grab them using CVS as follows:
cvs -d login
cvs -z3 -d co  DVB
Remember to copy the header files into the correct system directory:
cp include/*h /usr/include/linux
mkdir /usr/include/linux/dvb
cp include/dvb/*h /usr/include/linux/dvb
Now compile and install the drivers/modules
cd driver
make insmod
These tools include mplex, a valuable cmdline tool for converting, amongst other things, TS streams into MPEG files! Grab the latest version from the url above
dvb tools
These include two crucially important programs dvbstream and dvbtune. grab them using CVS as follows:
cvs login
cvs -z3 co .
You will need dvbtune, dvbstream and dumprtp